Thursday, September 18, 2008

photo column week 2

Susan Pennypacker owns a dance studio in Tacony, the neighborhood she has lived in all of her life. Her longest running class, Golden Gals Fitness has been very successful over the past 14 years, the same ammount of time her studio has been in business.

"I actually just found that there was a need for people to do low-impact exercise. The other classes seemed intimidating. My mother was alive at the time (that the studio had opened), and she was very instrumental in my decision making at the studio. She told me that she would be interested in a low impact workout.

"This group, we all share stories. When my mother passed away, they became my confidants.

"We're not going to look like 'Baywatch'! But we're raising our heart rate and that's a workout!"

1 comment:

Ronni Moore Photography said...

Are you doing the writing as well?